Tailored Solutions: The Engineering Behind clariti® 1 day Contact Lenses

Since the first soft contact lens entered the U.S. market in 1971,1 manufacturers have continuously worked to develop new technologies and designs to optimize the wearing experience for patients.

Subsequent and sweeping advances in technology over the past half-century-plus have influenced the current soft contact lens landscape, with a dominance today in silicone hydrogel lens prescriptions and a steady increase in daily disposable fits.2 While spherical lenses prescribed in 2024 accounted for 43% of all soft lens fits,3 the continued growth in the soft toric and multifocal categories can be attributed in large part to significant advancements in technology.4,5

clariti® 1 day made its debut in 2009 and was designed to be an affordable daily disposable silicone hydrogel lens, with a higher water content‡6and a lower modulus to help enhance comfort7 and fitting§8 compared to first generation SiHy lenses.9 clariti® 1 day was also the first daily disposable SiHy available in spherical, toric and multifocal designs.

In this article, Roxanne Achong-Coan, OD, FAAO, FIAOMC, FSLS, of Coan Eye Care & Optical Boutique in Ocoee, Florida, details the engineering and technology behind the clariti® 1 day family of lenses and how they translate into daily practice.

Optimized Edge, Improved Comfort

A contact lens edge can influence several factors, including lens mobility and comfort, in addition to interaction with conjunctival tissue.9-11 One of the key advancements in the clariti® 1 day family is the update to the Optimized Comfort EdgeTM design, Dr. Coan notes. The edge is thinner and more tapered, making it more comfortable than the original,12 she adds.

The improved comfort has also been noted in a study.12 Significant differences in both subjective and objective responses were found with the Optimized Comfort EdgeTM compared to the original design, including improved comfort on insertion.12

 “Many patients have remarked on how comfortable the optimized edge design feels compared to the previous design,” Dr. Coan continues. “They state that it feels like wearing no contact lens in their eyes,13 and as a result, they can wear the lenses all day long without any issues.”

The Optimized Comfort EdgeTM is offered in the clariti® 1 day sphere and clariti® 1 day multifocal 3 Add.

All-day Comfort with Wetloc® Technology 

Found in the full family of lenses is Wetloc® Technology which supports good all-day comfort by locking in moisture.6  WetLoc® Technology distributes water molecules throughout the contact lens,6 mimicking the moisture dispersion of naturally healthy eyes. By locking in moisture, WetLoc® Technology keeps the contact lens and its surfaces continually moist throughout a patient’s day.6

“With 98% water retention,à6,14 these lenses allow patients to wear them all day without experiencing redness15 or dryness,”16 Dr. Coan says. 

An Eye on Vision

Of course, good vision is paramount in contact lens wearing success.17,18 With this in mind, clariti® sphere’s aspheric optics have been specifically designed to enhance visual clarity. “These lenses provide outstanding clarity, ensuring that wearers have sharp and clear vision,”19 Dr. Coan says.

clariti® 1 day toric offers a high-precision design so patients with astigmatism can experience excellent optical performance and consistent correction of astigmatism. Back surface aspheric peripheral zones optimize lens stability,¶6,20 and the smooth gradient ballast design minimizes interaction between the lens and eyelids to deliver comfort and consistent stability. 

“The toric lenses are designed to maintain consistent vision even while the wearer is active, making them ideal for those with an active lifestyle,” Dr. Coan notes.

For patients with presbyopia, CooperVision Binocular Progressive System® in the clariti® 1 day multifocal 3 Add helps provide very good vision. Binocular Progressive System™, also found in MyDay® multifocal, delivers clear vision at all distances and for all levels of presbyopia even as a patient’s vision changes.6

“The multifocal 3 Add feature works well for all levels of presbyopia, offering a versatile solution for patients with varying degrees of this condition,”6 Dr. Coan adds.

Dr. Coan has seen first-hand how well the clariti® 1 day multifocal 3 Add works for patients with presbyopia. One of the doctors in her practice who previously underwent LASIK is very particular about the contact lenses he wears, she explains. Her colleague recently tried the clariti® 1 day multifocal 3 Add and was amazed at how comfortable the lens felt upon insertion,21 Dr. Coan says.

“He previously wore a monthly design, but this is the first daily multifocal lens he can successfully wear all day long, not only for its comfort7 but also for its exceptional vision,”6 Dr. Coan says.

Final Takeaways

Rounding out the technology story, clariti® 1 day lenses contain a UV blocker that helps block UV* and offer patients unbeaten handling.**††22

Discover more about the clariti® 1 day family of lenses. And find additional resources and learnings at CooperVision’s Online Success Center.

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*WARNING: UV-absorbing contact lenses are NOT substitutes for protective UV-absorbing eyewear such as UV-absorbing goggles or sunglasses because they do not completely cover the eye surrounding area. Persons should continue to use their protective UV-absorbing eyewear as directed.  

NOTE: Long-term exposure to the UV radiation is one of the risk factors associated with cataracts. Exposure is based on a number of factors such as environmental conditions (altitude, geography, cloud cover) and personal factors (extent and nature of the outdoor activities). UV-absorbing contact lenses help provide protection against harmful UV radiation. However, clinical studies have not been done to demonstrate that wearing UV-absorbing contact lenses reduces the risk of developing cataracts or other eye disorders. Consult your Eye Care Practitioner for more information.

†Pricing is based on manufacturer’s published MSRP and rebates as of 11/01/2024.

‡Manufacturer's quoted water contents: clariti® 1 day 56%, ACUVUE® OASYS 1-DAY 38%, PRECISION1® 51%.

§Very good/good ratings: Initial comfort 94%, End of day comfort 82%, Vision 95% and handling 89%.

àAbsolute moisture retention 98.8%, relative moisture retention 97.8%.

¶VA on dispensing and after 15 minutes settling; -0.05 logMAR. 91% oriented within 5% desired position after 15 minutes.

**With higher oxygen delivery than hydrogel materials, SiHy contact lenses minimize or eliminate hypoxia-related complications during daily lens wear.



1. Haseldine-Cole J. Replaceable lenses, irreplaceable progress. Review of Optometry/Review of Cornea & Contact Lenses. March-April 2021.

2. Efron N, Morgan PB. Half a Century of Contact Lenses. Contact Lens Spectrum. May 1, 2023. Accessed Jan. 17, 2025. https://clspectrum.com/issues/2023/ half-a-century-of-soft-contact-lenses/

3. Morgan PB, et al. International Contact Lens Prescribing in 2024. Contact Lens Spectrum. Jan-Feb. 2025. Accessed Jan. 17, 2025. https://clspectrum.com/issues/2025/januaryfebruary/international-contact-lens-prescribing-in-2024/

4. Efron N, Morgan PB, Woods CA, Jones D, Jones L, Nichols JJ. International trends in prescribing toric soft contact lenses to correct astigmatism (2000-2023): An update. Cont. Lens Anterior Eye. 2024 Oct;47(5):102276.

5. Morgan PB, Efron N, Woods CA, Jones D, Jones L, Nichols JJ. International trends in prescribing multifocal and monovision soft contact lenses to correct presbyopia (2000-2023): An update. Cont. Lens Anterior Eye. 2024 Dec 6:102348.

6. CVI Data on file, 2024.

7. CVI data on file, 2019. clariti 1 day Wearer Experience Survey conducted online in U.S., n=298 habitual FRP and DD wearers and new wearers. Agree strongly or somewhat.

8. CVI data on file, 2018. Observational satisfaction survey in France; subset of SiHy FRP lens wearers refitted with clariti® 1 day, n=280.

9. McParland M, Sulley A. clariti® 1 day: A continuous improvement story. Optician Online. Dec. 19, 2019. Accessed Jan. 16, 2025. https://www.opticianonline.net/content/features/clariti-1-day-a-continuous-improvement-story/

10. Jones L, Brennan NA, Gonzalez-Meijome J, et al. The TFOS International Workshop on Contact Lens Discomfort: report of the contact lens materials, design, and care subcommittee. Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 2013;54:TFOS37-70.

11. Maissa C, Guillon M, Garofalo RJ. Contact lens-induced circumlimbal staining in silicone hydrogel contact lenses worn on a daily wear basis. Eye & contact lens 2012;38:16-26.

12. CVI data on file, 2015. Non-dispensing, double-masked, randomized, contralateral study in US. N=20.

13. CVI data on file, 2019. US wearer experience survey; n=298 habitual FRP and DD wearers and new wearers.

14. CVI data on file, 2019. Multi-visit study to assess handling performance and dehydration characteristics for 4 DD CLs in 20 CL wearers.

15. Brennan NA. Beyond Flux: Total Corneal Oxygen Consumption as an Index of Corneal Oxygenation During Contact Lens Wear. Optom Vis Sci. 2005;82(6):467-472.

16. CVI data on file 2019. Randomised, double-masked, 1-week DD dispensing study with clariti® 1 day, single site UK, n=53.

17. Pucker AD, Tichenor AA. A review of contact lens dropout. Clin Optom (Auckl). 2020; 12:85-94.

18. Sulley A, Young G, Hunt C. Factors in the success of new contact lens wearers. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2017 Feb;40(1):15-24.

19. CVI data on file, 2018. clariti 1 day satisfaction survey, n=1718. CVI data on file, 2018. 1-week bilateral DW study with c1d toric, n=39. CVI data on file, 2019. Woods J et al. Visual performance with DD SiH CN progressive design MFCL.

20. CVI data on file, 2022. Short term clinical performance non-dispensing study with clariti® 1 day toric, n=42 habitual soft toric contact lens wearers. CVI data on file, 2019. 1-hour non-dispensing study with clariti® 1 day toric, n=40 lenses in 10 habitual contact lenses wearers.

21. CVI data on file 2021. Prospective, double-masked, bilateral, one-week dispensing study with clariti® 1 day multifocal 3 add; with a rating of 93 out of 100; n=90 habitual MFCL wearers.

22. CVI data on file, 2019, 2020 & 2021. Clinical studies with clariti® 1 day vs DAILIES TOTAL1® n=19, Miru 1day UpSide n=53, DAILIES® AquaComfort PLUS® n=65, 1-DAY ACUVUE® MOIST n=55 & PRECISION1® n=47; either statistically significant differences in favor of clariti 1 day for ease of application (vs ACUVUE 1 DAY MOIST, DAILIES AquaComfort PLUS & Miru 1day UpSide), ease of removal (vs DAILIES TOTAL1) & preferece (vs Miru 1day UpSide) or no statistically significant differences (p<0.05) for preference or ratings for ease of application or handling at follow up.

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