Facebook has simplified it advertising platform, now offering advertisers and small business owners simple promotional options right on their own page.
Those options are “Promoting Your Page” and “Boosting Your Posts”.
Promoting your page
What’s the objective? – Improve the size of your fan base. This option allows you to target specified users in there news feeds with a display and call to action to “like” the page.
How do I set it up? – Within your admin panel on your business page you will see a prompt to “Promote Page”. Click on it.
- Sample Ad – The display for your ad
- Daily Budget – Depending in the size of your page, you can specify anywhere from $5-$50 per day with the estimated new “likes” changing with the budget
- Audience – Specify the cities that you would like to advertise in
What does it look like in someone’s news feed?
Boosting Your Posts
What’s the objective? – Increase the reach of a specific post. On average, your post will only reach about 16% of its intended audience. Boosting a post guarantees post visibility based on the budget.
How do I set it up? – On any post that you’ve made recently there is an option to “Boost Post”. Click on it.
- Audience – You can either target your current fans and their friends or a selected targeted audience.
- Budget - Depending in the size of your page, you can specify anywhere from $5-$50 per day with the estimated reach range changing with the budget
The main difference between the two options is the objective of each. Promoting your page will increase your likes, while boosting your posts will increase your reach. However, you don’t need to choose. With each option being very affordable you can utilize both to increase your fan base and exposure.