New research from Ocular Technology Group and CooperVision is challenging a common approach to addressing presbyopia among eye care professionals. The study findings illustrate how patients fit with MyDay® daily disposable multifocal contact lenses achieved better binocular visual acuity at all distances and significantly greater binocular summation compared to monovision.[i]
Investigation on the Influence of Presbyopia Correction on Binocular Vision Status (Guillon M, et al) will be shared as a scientific poster during this week’s 2022 American Academy of Optometry annual meeting.*
The prospective, non-dispensing, randomized, crossover, double-masked study enrolled 21 habitual multifocal contact lens wearers, evenly split between emerging, established, and advanced presbyopes. Subjects were dispensed CooperVision MyDay® multifocal contact lenses with the Binocular Progressive System™ following the fitting guide and single vision contact lenses using the same material. This was followed by assessments for monocular and binocular through focus visual acuity, horizontal and vertical phorias and fixation disparity, and stereopsis.
Investigators determined that binocular vision status with MyDay® multifocal was maintained when compared to spectacle correction and offered good visual acuity at distances ranging from 400 cm to 40 cm. In addition, overall through focus binocular summation (mean binocular summation for all distances) was significantly greater with MyDay® multifocal than the monovision fits (p < 0.001). The interocular blur difference between monocular visual acuities in the dominant and non-dominant eyes with MyDay® multifocal was significantly lower than across low, medium, and high add spectacle groups.
“This work provides compelling evidence for fitting MyDay® multifocal contact lenses instead of using a monovision approach across all levels of presbyopia,” said Percy Lazon de la Jara, Director of Research Programs for CooperVision and a paper co-author. “It’s important to recognize that these observations are specific to MyDay® multifocal. This is the first contact lens to employ the CooperVision® Binocular Progressive System™, a three-ADD method that uses different lens designs to optimize vision for every stage of presbyopia.”[ii]
MyDay® multifocal allows the eyes to work in tandem, which gives a simple initial fit and an easy progression as the near requirement increases.2 Wearers embrace the lens from the start, with 92% of patients satisfied overall on the initial fitting.[iii] That performance helps wearers get back on the go and spend more time on the things that matter most to them—and may give ECPs more time to fit more patients.
[i] CVI data on file 2021. Global observational in-practice assessment with MyDay® multifocal (US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Benelux, Iberia, Singapore) with 141 ECPs and 1505 wearers
[ii] CVI data on file 2020. Prospective, double-masked, bilateral, 1-week dispensing study with MyDay daily disposable multifocal; n=104 habitual MFCL wearers.
[iii] CVI data on file 2021. Global observational in-practice assessment with MyDay® multifocal (US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Benelux, Iberia, Singapore) with 196 ECPs and 1505 wearers.